

All home games at
Ponsonby Recreation Park
5997 2nd Line E. RR#2, Ariss, Ontario N0B1B0 ponsonbyrecclub@gmail.com

visit our facebook page… https://www.facebook.com/Ponsonbyrecclub

Visit Intercounty Softball facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/435719846120327

Welcome our 2025 Executive:  President: Shirley Obergan, Chairman of the Board:  Scott Holman, Secretary: Ashlee Watt, Treasurer: Anne vonHolstein, Recreation Co-ordinator: Joe Harris, Park Co-ordinator: Kyle Kurtz, Director at Large:  Betty Jo Almond. 

Thank you all for your ongoing support of our club.

We are  looking for part time help with park clean up (empty garbage, clean washrooms)  when our staff person is away.  Small stipend provided.  

Next bottle drive Saturday April 19th, 2025-  10am to 2pm Bring your alcohol bottles, beer cans or bottles to the parks’ equipment room anytime after April 19th as well. .

Ponsonby Recreation Club Inc. & Ponsonby Minor Softball thanks the community.
As 2024 comes to a close we would like to thank all of you for your support this past year. 288 minor ball players were registered which was an increase of approx. 25 more players over 2023 registration.
Thank you to our 60+ coaching staff and numerous volunteers, without you our minor softball programs would not succeed.
We would like to thank our 2024 corporate sponsors. (hoping we didn’t miss anyone) Without your support this local park and minor softball programs would not be successful.
MJM Electric Limited
Wellington Perforated Sheet & Metal
Wellington County Dairy Producers
GHD Engineering-Waterloo
Dave’s Garage
Sign Art Centre of Guelph Inc.
PANDA Environmental Services Inc.
Refined Plumbing & Renovations
Elmira Home Appliances
Campbell’s Garage & Sanitation Inc.
Mann Construction Group Ltd (2012)
Centre Wellington Township
Guelph Eramosa Township

If you can help our club by making a financial contribution to a team or the Club contact Shirley at ponsonbyrecclub@gmail.com. 226-820-3889.

Keep this local “field of dreams” alive and well.